Recalibrate and ContinueHave you ever thought about how to tap into the kind of riches that will help you enlarge your range and increase your spirit? The energy that will help you to love deeply and risk everything to achieve your dreams? Well, today I’m bringing you exactly how I’m doing that throughout this month.

My dream for today’s episode is to help you recalibrate to the power of your sacred vision so that you and your work will be able to continue being a force for good and a shining example of beauty, peace, and Creativity. And all you have to do is open yourself up to the process and be willing to see the beauty the world has to offer.

Join me on the podcast this week and discover the magical healing power of recalibration and the dangers of sitting in misalignment when it comes to what you want for your future. I’m sharing how to use the process of calibration to reconnect with and continue the powerful and sacred work you want to do in the world, making achieving your goals inevitable.

If what you hear on today’s podcast speaks deeply to your soul and you want to dive even deeper, I’m holding a free Recalibration Workshop on the 16th of February and you are cordially invited. To get the details and sign up, all you have to do is send me an email!

If you are not yet on my email list, you’ll want to either subscribe here or send me an email to get on the list. It’s where you’ll hear about my free group coaching calls and workshops as well as any current offers.

When you’re ready to take this work deeper, I would love to have you join us in the Art School community or the Art School Mastermind. We’re enrolling for the winter-spring 2021 sessions of both, which start in March. Send us an email to learn more or schedule a discovery consult by emailing with ‘Discovery Consult’ in the subject line, or apply for the mastermind directly here.

If this podcast has been useful, meaningful, inspirational to you, I would love it if you would share it with a friend. It would be awesome also if you would take the time to go to iTunes and leave a review.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How I’m using the month of February to make time for recalibration.
  • What is possible when you take the time to become familiar with your future self.
  • Where we limit what is possible to create in our future by looking to the past.
  • Why setting a powerful intention highlights the other areas of our life which are unaligned with our vision.
  • How to use the process of recalibration to heal and release that in your life which is not serving you on your creative journey.
  • What you can do to connect with the power that lives within you, so you can continue to do your amazing sacred work in this world.

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Full Episode Transcript:

“My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil, and welcome good. Continue to ignore no vision which comes to enlarge your range and increase your spirit. Continue to dare to love deeply and risk everything for the good thing. Continue to float happily in the sea of infinite substance, which set aside riches for you before you had a name. Continue, and by doing so, you and your work will be able to continue eternally.”

That is part of the poem Continue, by Maya Angelou, with deep gratitude to the dear, dear friend who just happened to send this to me. She found it on her phone, she said, as I was logging on to record today’s podcast. And it is everything that I have been immersing myself in and what I wanted to convey to you with a relatively short but potent episode today.

Today, I want to talk to you about how to tap into the kind of riches that will help you enlarge your range and increase your spirit, that will help you to love deeply and risk everything for the good thing. I want today’s episode to help you recalibrate to the power of your sacred vision so that you and your work will be able to continue and be a force for good and a shining example of beauty, peace, Creativity with a capital C, for a world that is so ready for it.

You are listening to The Art School Podcast; a show for artists and creatives who want to become the next greatest version of themselves. Learn how to cultivate an extraordinary way of being and take the mystery out of making money, and the struggle out of making art. Here is your host, master certified life coach, artist, and former lawyer, Leah Badertscher.

Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of The Art School Podcast. I am recording this with a legit snowstorm swirling outside the windows and my husband is on his way home with the kids from school, so I am anticipating that tomorrow, from the looks of it now, will be a snow day, a stay-at-home day. So, before we launch into what will probably be an unexpected long weekend, I am looking forward to spending his time with you.

I have a few podcasts coming up that are sharing with you more conversations with clients from the Art School. And while I continue to edit those and prepare those to release and share with you, I wanted to, in this episode, kind of keep it short and sweet and give you a glimpse into my process real-time. Real-time, that is, if you are listening to this in February 2021, which is when I am recording this.

So, I was having a great discussion with my amazing head of teams support Nikki Berkel. So, while there are many reasons for having the end of December and January be the time for reflection, many good reasons, for me, a lot of years, it just ends up being that February is actually the more natural place for that for me.

And this year, that was also the case. I did a lot of this reflection review work. But I had programs still running through the end of January. So February, the month before the next round of the Art School and the mastermind starts, really feels like this time that I want to use very wisely and reflect on all of the gifts, including the lessons I learned from adversity and challenge in the last year and make the most of that.

And I’m practicing what I preach. And nothing is wasted on me. And one of the great gifts of this past year has been Nikki Berkel. And so, I just wanted to publicly give her a shoutout and also share something awesome that she is doing, because she has really been a gamechanger for me in my business. And she is also now hosting monthly Booked Solid Over Lunch gatherings.

So, we’ll have links in the show notes. Again, she has been such a tremendous asset and that’s too small of a word even. Just a rockstar and amazing person to work with and has helped me so much in this last year on the business end of things, on the systems end of things. And she is also a coach, so she gets that. And she is so smart, such high EQ, such a great coach herself, and amazing at systems.

She just has so many gifts that are not my gifts and not my strengths. And again, thank you, Nikki. And if you are a coach, I highly recommend her Booked Solid Over Lunch gathering. Totally free. And I know Nikki and her work, you will definitely be glad that you attended and were able to discuss with other coaches and learn from her. So, again, Nikki has been one of my gifts this last year in her work.

And another gift has been – you know, this is a gift now I’m learning from it – the fact that I have not been able to go on retreats this last year just makes me realize how critical and vital they are for my wellbeing and for my business, that they are not a luxury. They are, in times of not a global pandemic, a nonnegotiable. And it was more challenging for me this year to carve out the kind of deep-thinking solitude time while also homeschooling for a good amount of the time and kids not having other extracurriculars or not being able to have other people help us.

So, one thing that I knew I needed to do, in the month of February, was declare it a month of retreat. And a word that has emerged for me is recalibrate. I am using the month of February to do my own deep dive and immersion.

I am going all in this month with meditation. And that is not only the kind of traditional meditation you think of, but in terms of becoming familiar with my future, becoming so identified, intimate, well-acquainted with my future self, as intimate and well-acquainted and know it like the back of my hand, as I am with my past, as in love with my future and what I’ve created and who I have become as I am, you know, knowledgeable about what I had for lunch yesterday or the experiences that unfolded the last year.

And so, to really push the envelope with this, becoming familiar with my future, being my future self now so that I am really, truly defined by it, so much more than by the past. That there alone is an episode in itself. That is enough to meditate on and think about. Just think about what that actually means, how radical and different that is from how we usually create our life.

We usually create our life based on what we think we’ve been able to accomplish so far and who we think we have been in the past. We use that to define our possibilities for the future. And all too often, we use our past to limit what we think is available to us in the future.

So, really think about that. What would it be like to live life as a Creator, a capital C, who belonged more to her future, who let her future be defined by that potential which she has created in her mind and her imagination, through the power of imagination, through the power of thought, through the power of spirit in the future? What would be a reality defined by not what we have created in the past, but what we see in our vision, what we’ve created in the future?

So, this month, like I said, I’m doing my own immersion with my own methods and practices, just because this time I have four weeks and not the full 12 of Art School, this is really going to be not just an immersion, but an intensive immersion. But one that I really am emphasizing the restorative aspect of, the nourishing and soul-strengthening practices that I do. I am using this month to power up.

Because I know the vision I have for the future and I know what the vision of a fully empowered Leah and Art School looks like and I know the vision I have for the even greater impact we can have on our community, and the even greater impact our community, our artists, our creatives can have on the world. And that, to me, deserves a month of deep thinking, revisiting, reflection, reimagination, reviving, restoring. All of these “re”, from the Italian root, the callback, all these callback and gathering words are what have been coming to me. And particularly, recalibration.

So, I’m going to be offering a workshop later this month, as part of the free workshop series that I offer every month. It’s scheduled for February 16th 2021. So, if you’d like to be signed up for that, make sure you are on our email list. You can email to make sure that you’re signed up for that. Because this recalibration is going to be about how to recalibrate and align yourself with the energy, with the reality of that sacred dream for you, with a special emphasis on financial aspects, on money, on wealth aspects of a sacred dream creation.

Because it’s one of the places that I see being the trickiest, stickiest places for people. And if you can nail it with money, you can nail it on all other areas. And as you’ve heard me say before, if you’ve been listening to my work for a while, money work is deeply sacred work.

So, that theme, that recalibration theme has emerged so strongly that I wanted to make sure to offer a free workshop on it this month. And it’s a theme that I feel like has been a long – well, I guess some months coming. And it emerged so much more clearly for me, just shortly after our last virtual mastermind retreat, which was in January.

So, I approach all of my coaching offerings and programs as a sacred container, as this place where people can come and trust that they are in the ideal creative ecosystem to nurture the divine seed of genius, the great work that wants to happen through them, the ideal loving creative ecosystem sacred container for their highest self and for their highest self to flourish and be fully expressed and self-actualized in this life.

So whether that’s through the Art School, through the mastermind, through private client work when I’m offering that, or whether it’s through offerings like this podcast or the free workshops that I offer, I approach it as this sacred container.

So, with these virtual retreats, I look at them as a kind of sacred container catalyst within the greater experience of the Art School or the mastermind. So, a catalyst in terms of it’s a way to accelerate and deepen the work. And with this last one, I knew that the intention – I knew what the intention was wanting to be.

I don’t even feel like I chose it. I felt like it just made itself clear and announced itself, that that intention for that last final particular retreat weekend, virtual retreat, was to be for an unleashing. A deeper, more profound unleashing.

And therefore, any places where participants were still holding back, any places where they were still diluting themselves, watering themselves down, dimming themselves, not allowing themselves full access to their innate sacred power or genius, to allow those things to be released.

So, with that kind of powerful, “We’re not messing around,” intention, there first comes an elevated awareness. Because what has to happen is that any places where we are holding ourselves back or restricting or limiting ourselves, any blocks, they have to come to the surface.

So, as a Course in Miracles states – and I’ll paraphrase – love brings up anything unlike itself in order that it may be healed and released. And so, this is part of the process. And I just want to say, for anyone out there listening, if you have ever set a powerful intention like this, like you wanted it to be unleashed, you wanted what was best and highest about you. You wanted your creative genius. You wanted your capital C Creativity to flow.

You set an intention like that. And then what happened, it seemed like the shit hit the fan Nothing has gone wrong. That is just part of the process. That’s what we intended, we set it in motion, that’s how powerful we are, is it brings up anything not aligned with that deeply loving sacredly empowered intention. And it comes up in order to be healed and released.

And if we’re not taught that though, we can think, “Oh my god, I have done something wrong here. I better retreat.” So, I would entreat you to – I’m going to invoke the words of Maya Angelou – to continue, that nothing has gone wrong, that this is part of the healing and empowering process and that there is this passage that we move through.

And as I said on last week’s podcast, you can handle it. And repeat, “I can handle it.” And all that’s happening here is that love is bringing up anything unlike itself in order that it may be healed and released. So, that was a little sidenote. But back to my story.

So, the intention for that weekend led me to seeing clearly, so clearly now, places where I had been holding myself back and diluting my own power. And so, again, the theme that emerged for me and which I am applying 110% wholeheartedly this month is recalibration.

So, recalibrating to the vision, to the dream, to the goal, fine-tuning and dialing into and dialing up that energy, aligning with it more deeply, evoking it more powerfully for me, in doing my own coaching work, my own inner work into, “What does that look like? And what needs to change? And what different decisions will be made? And how will I be different in the world?”

So, again, using that meditation in the sense of becoming familiar with, when I am more powerfully calibrated to that sacred vision and dream for me of my work and the work of the Art School and my creative work, it will create a change in energy. And it requires this process for me of, like, inquiry and again becoming familiar with what does that future look like, what will I feel like? What different thoughts do I have or not have when that future is not only a vision but is an actual reality.

And that’s actually not only a possibility of who I am. But it is who I am. And I’ll go so much more deeply into what this process of recalibration means for me in the workshop this month. So, if you can make that, I would love to have you there.

But for now, I wanted to share that one thing that it means is becoming aware of those places where you’re holding back and then shedding and releasing and letting go of anything that isn’t that dream or vision. Because recalibrating to that dream is really, for me, about recalibrating to my own deepest truth and realigning with my own deepest wisdom and trusting that and living unapologetically and full-out from that place.

I can also share with you the specific, this week too, and again, we’ll go deeper in the workshop, that one thing that is abundantly clear is that this recalibration requires shedding any of those places where I continue to force or over-function, which really come from a doubting of myself, but also an overreliance on my own strength.

So, I’ve shared in prior podcasts the practice of surrender, of holding your hand over your heart and asking, you know, what is mine here and what is not mine? So, for me, it means going more deeply into that and trusting that I can handle what is mine and also trusting that there is something of which I am a part and participating, which is so much greater than me.

And for that, I want to pause here and express my gratitude here for all of you. Because through even just being able to imagine those of you listening that I haven’t met yet, but also now having met many of you, either through Zoom or through your lovely emails and reviews, or again, through having you show up for workshops or sign up for the Art School, it is such an affirmation for me and allows me to trust more deeply that this isn’t about me, but I do have this opportunity to play a role in something greater than me, and this opportunity to be a part of your lives in this amazing way, and that together, we are really building something entirely new and exciting and beautiful.

We are building this paradigm of possibility. And again, I’m so grateful to all of you for being the realization of that dream for me. And it also just inspires me and fuels me so much more to want to learn even more about how to serve you better, to learn even more about how to make this work all the more impactful, extraordinarily meaningful for you, useful, life-changing, transformative, uplifting, like, have it be the best corner of the universe you have ever come across, and then therefore you’re your best self, you feel at home in the world, and then you go out and shine in your respective corners.

That, to me, lights me up. And that’s part of the energy for me that I’m dialing up this month. And again, I wanted today, in honoring my own desire this month, to kind of rest and retreat and think more deeply. I wanted to not do my typical, “I’m just going to say everything that’s on my mind and have this be a full-on masterclass.”

I have so much that I’m excited to share with you. And for those of you who have been hearing and suspecting that there is another way and you’re wondering if you can trust that instinct and that intuition, yes, there is another way. And I think this workshop on recalibrating to the energy of the sacred dream, including money dreams, sacred money work, I think you’ll love that work this month.

And for those of you listening after the workshop happens, in the future, I am sure we will just continue to share this work and this information, not only through the Art School programs, but in future podcasts and in future free workshops and trainings. So, stay tuned and be on our list so you don’t miss any of that.

So, this brings me to the part of the podcast where I want you to do more than just listen. I want you to lean in and really work with me, coach with me. So, here is an aspect of recalibration that I know will not only pay immense dividends for you to implement in the future, but immediately, and can immediately alter the course of your day, but done as a practice will alter the course of your life.

And one of the reasons that this poem Continue, arriving in beautiful synchronous fashion in my mailbox from the earth angel that sent it, was what I wanted to share at the beginning was because this, what I’m about to share with you about recalibrating and this practice to support it, is so necessary to your ability to continue.

The full poem is amazing and I highly recommend you look that up. But my wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. Continue to allow humor to lighten the burden of your tender heart. Continue in a society dark with cruelty, to let people hear the grandeur of God and the peals of your laughter. Continue to let your eloquence elevate the people to heights they had only imagined. Continue to remind the people that each is as good as the other and that no one is beneath or above you. Continue to remember your own young years and look with favor upon the lost and the least and the lonely. Continue to put the mantle of your protection around the bodies of the young and defenseless. Continue to take the hand of the despised and diseased and walk proudly with them in the high street. Some might see you and be encouraged to do likewise. Continue to plant a public kiss of concern on the cheek of the sick and the aged and infirm and count that as a natural action to be expected.

Continue to let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil, and welcome good. Continue to ignore no vision which comes to enlarge your range and increase your spirit. Continue to dare to love deeply and risk everything for the good thing. Continue to float happily in the sea of infinite substance, which set aside riches for you before you had a name. Continue, and by doing so, you and your work will be able to continue eternally.

So, I hadn’t intended to read the whole thing, but once I got started, I’m like, “Oh, it is so wrong to stop. There is no other option but onward. It is just wrong to do otherwise and too beautiful to not complete in its entirety.” And I will say too, do look it up and speak it aloud. It is healing to speak and say. You can feel something inside of you shift as you do so.

So, that’s an unexpected bonus assignment from this coach with me. I think I’ve mentioned I have a soft spot for poetry. So, thank you for letting me get swept away with that.

And the coach with me assignment that I had intended, which again, is mean to help you to have the energy and the power to connect with that power within you so that you continue on in all of these remarkable, extraordinary ways that allow you to be the shining human you were meant to be, is to celebrate and to really dive into what that actually feels like and means.

And so, here is something that I adore about this podcasting medium. Because I think there’s an energy, an information that can be conveyed in voice that is – it’s not that you can’t convey it in written word, but it’s very fun. And I think powerful to be able to convey it in voice.

So, part of my practicing and meditating on my future, on the truth, the energy of my dream and having that define my reality now even more powerfully than anything I have done in the past has been to do, you know, go for long walks, in addition to sitting meditation and journaling. But I feel like I can, after I sit and meditate, after I journal, after I self-coach, I feel like there’s an integration and a processing that for me movement is so profound in helping to accomplish.

I know one aspect that’s very clear to me about aligning and recalibrating with the sacred dream is that I’m so much more deeply settled in that creative mode, that capital C Creative energy where I’m relaxed inside of myself and then also flowing. I am rooted and I flow, as Virginia Woolf said.

So, as I was walking, I was again meditating, becoming familiar with that me that is fully embodying that, and even more powerfully so. And just opening myself up to imagine and wonder and dream about that. And something that came to mind were things that we talked about in last week’s episode that came up in my conversation with Erica Roesch, like I can handle anything and anything is possible.

And another inroad for me is to consider places where I know I have felt both simultaneously the most expansive and limitless and the most deeply grounded and centered and, you know, powerful from this deeply loving and sacred place. If you’re familiar with more of the neuroscience approach to meditation, maybe you’ve heard of open focus meditation.

So, for me, it’s this feeling of having both this open and then also close-in focus. Other people talk about convergent and divergent. But simultaneously, maybe you are familiar with Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work and he talks about the coherence, the brain and heart coherence.

For me, it also feels like being totally in alignment. And so, two inroads and prompts that I like to use are thinking about nature, thinking about times when I’ve been in nature when I’ve experienced this feeling of being aware of the immensity of the universe and then also deeply settled and at home I my place within it.

When I did that, when I considered that, what came to me from this walking meditation was this is so right. This is so right. This is so right and this is so good.

And that ability to use that phrase helps me re-access that state of being that I was experiencing in that moment. As I was walking down the street, I felt completely as if I were walking inside of a life beyond my wildest dreams.

This is so right. This feels so right. This feels so good. This feels like my home in the universe. Another inroad or prompt I like to use is what feels so nice. And this is again where the podcast is useful and voice is really useful. Because not just, “Oh, that’s nice.” But, “Oh, this is so nice.”

And what comes to mind is, a year ago, almost to the day, I was in Miraval for our massively magical Art School retreat weekend there and I rented this just gorgeous, gorgeous casita, one of their unity retreat accommodations. And it was exquisite. Everything about it was exquisite.

And so many times throughout that weekend, I allowed myself that, “Oh, this is so nice. This is so nice, this beautiful human design where you also feel connected to nature and you’re looking out at the mountains. You can feel the depth of the mountains reaching far beneath the surface of the earth and then there they are, they’re radiating their peaceful, powerful, solid silence, like sentinels, like guardians there,” and just soaking that in and soaking in the power and the beauty and the magic of the Sonoran Desert. And again, back to these exquisite human details.

And so, for me, “This is so nice. This is so nice.” It reminds me too to connect my physicality to the details of this beautiful future reality. And it is another way, by the way, of actually embodying gratitude. Because I think our brains can kind of get fatigued by gratitude. I’ve talked about it in prior episodes, where we’re just doing gratitude in a perfunctory way, counting our blessings in a perfunctory way, but we’re not feeling changed by the experience. We are not having a direct experience of life. We are with our brain searching for meaning in life. But not feeling like we’re actually connected to it, rather than allowing our whole being, body included, to feel, to know, to have a direct experience of meaning in life.

And one way of doing that is through appreciation. And one way of doing that is through appreciation of details and ratcheting it up with not only, “Oh, I notice that detail.” That’s a good place to start, noticing the detail. But then, “Oh, I notice that and that is so nice. That is so good.” And really feeling it and using your imagination and your whole body until you feel the energy shift and move, until you feel yourself moved by your own depth and power and the depth and power of appreciation.

So, finding ways to intentionally celebrate this month, and approaching celebration like a spiritual practice, like a practice of recalibrating with your most divine, true, highest self.

So, I mentioned a few things I have done and another way of embodying that practice too, I have been eating so well this month. Beautiful food, good for me food, 80% of the time, 20% not. Yesterday was the Feast Day of St. Blaise. Blaise is my daughter’s name. So, I surprised the kids and had these beautiful Italian treats that I got from this awesome Italian bakery. They’re these gorgeous raspberry panna cotta concoctions. And I set the table beautifully and surprised them when they came home. and they were so delighted and they were like, “It feels like someone’s birthday.”

So, loving the ability to do that and loving and kind of drenching other people in exquisite details as well. So, eating so well, right? Moving, I have been moving so well, really listening to what I need and giving that to myself. I’ve been reading so well.

One of my favorite books that I read in 2020, at the end of 2020 actually, over Christmas break, but which I’ll share with you now if you’re looking for an amazing fiction book, which was recommended to me by my brilliant friend Laura Ambrose, who loves books maybe more than I do – but it’s a healthy competition – is Hamnet by Mary – her last name is escaping me right now. For shame. For shame. Because she deserves for me to remember her name.

But that’s just continuing to think about, “Oh my gosh, that was an amazing book.” And I’ve been continuing to read well, including Betsy Pearson’s Tao Te Ching translation, which just blows my mind open in all of the best possible ways and has created this new creative movement inside my imagination. It’s been a delightful intellectual and imaginative exploration.

I have been celebrating, like I mentioned, with my family. My beloved brother, this is an opportunity for me to give him a shoutout. One of my brothers, Andy, turned 40 yesterday. He is one of my favorite humans, beings, in all of the universe. He’s the kind of person that five minutes in his presence and you feel like a better person just for knowing him.

It’s going to get me choked up, but yesterday was his birthday. And so, to celebrate his 40th birthday, he and I are going to set up a Zoom date some night next week and we’re going to consider the 40 years prior and we’re going to plan together our 40 years ahead. So, he has, for a long time, been one of my most beloved co-inspirers in life. So, celebrating that.

And the friend Laura that I mentioned, she and I have been doing also these early morning – we think this wordplay is hilarious so bear with me – burn and bakery runs. Burn because we meet early, early on frigid Michigan winter Saturday mornings when it’s still kind of dark. And I think our first run was 15 degrees. And last week it was a solid 22 degrees. So, it’s like “burrrr” and “burn”.

We run. We find a pretty trail to run on together. And then we have been strategically doing them around a couple of awesome bakeries that have opened in our area. So, we run and talk until we get warmed up. And then, we run to the bakery and grab a nice coffee and some treats for ourselves and family. And then, we go back to our cars and she sits in her passenger seat and I sit in my driver seat and we roll down our window and talk so that we freeze a little bit less but we still get to chat and visit during these COVID times. And then we’re off and back to our families by nine o’clock.

So, it’s been amazing. Last week, we did it and I was so giddy with delight that in the middle of the afternoon I was like, “Oh my gosh, I think there’s something in my latte. I feel tipsy on happiness.” So, again, all these ways to celebrate in ways that really move you and increase your joy and appreciation for life, and knowing that not only is it okay to do that, but this is part of you being able to calibrate and align more strongly with that sacred goal or dream for you so that you can continue your sacred big beautiful work in the world.

Don’t dismiss it because it seems like too much fun. Because I swear, the reflections that I have already done and the realizations I’ve already had, it’s so abundantly clear that the places where I make joy and true gratitude – not perfunctory but true gratitude – a priority, a non-negotiable. Times when it takes time to really nourish myself in a way where I do feel strengthened and my soul feels strengthened and I can feel that I’m there because I’m able to reconnect to joy in a deep almost immovable piece, in such a profound way that’s not a way that I have to arrive at by forcing or white-knuckling.

And not to mention that this energy of deep peace, which comes from, “I’m already there. It’s all available to me now. There is nothing left undone,” and this place of joy is a powerfully receptive mode to be in if you are creating anything. Anything from a business to a painting to a new book to business opportunities, being in this place where you are really in love with your life and grateful to be alive and grateful for contributions you’re able to make and things you’re able to learn along the way and so grateful for the people that come into your life and cocreate with you and teach you lessons along the way and join you on your journey, it feels like home.

So, I want to invite you to think about yourself, what a month of recalibrating, and then calibrating precisely, dialing yourself into the true energy of the sacred dream, what that would look like for you. And how might you celebrate your way right into waking up in the middle of your dream. And also, if you do this, I cannot wait to hear about the synchronicities and the shifts and the transformation and the massive magic that unfolds.

Because I know that some of you out there listening are going to take me up on this and you are going to do it wholeheartedly, nothing held back because no longer are you settling for anything less than exactly what you want to create in life. No longer are you going to tolerate holding back or diluting yourself. So, I know those of you out there listening are going to go all in on this. And when you do, oh my gosh, I can already feel of opening your emails and reading the stories.

So, go forth, recalibrate, calibrate, celebrate. Feel the way your heart opens up and then stand back and watch the way the world opens up to you.

Thank you for listening to another episode of The Art School Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, if these episodes have been useful, uplifting, meaningful to you, the best thing you can do to pay it forward is to share, is to subscribe, and is to go to iTunes and leave a review.

There is a growing momentum in this movement and I can see it as I see some of the statistics and the data that come back, from new countries that we’re in, as I receive more and more emails from listeners. Some of you say you’ve been listening for a year and you’re reaching out now telling me about changes that you’ve made just through listening to the podcast and to share those stories with me. And others of you are brand new and write in to share your excitement about finding this corner of the universe.

So, thank you to all of you. Again, it’s so surreal to have envisioned this and then to now feel part of something that is so much bigger than me. And I’m also so grateful to be able to have this place in your life, even this small place. I don’t take that for granted.

And when you are ready to take this work more deeply, when you want individual attention and also to be surrounded by an extraordinary powerful community, please join us for the Art School. The next 12-week session starts March 2nd. That’s when we will also kick off the next 14-week Art School Mastermind.

If you are feeling called by either of those programs and you’d like to learn more, you can set up an exploratory call with my team by emailing You can come and check out one of my free workshops, like the one we are offering this month, February 16th. Also, for those that enroll before February 16th, you’ll also have an opportunity to join us for our two bonus calls in February.

So, there is a workshop and coaching call that’s for the community. And then another conus call, our virtual artist date, which is an amazing time to focus and get so much done and move the needle on the creative projects that are sacred and essential for you. And that’s happening on the 18th.

So, again, if you’d like to set up an exploratory call, you can do so by emailing And if you know you are just all in and ready to join us for the Art School in March, you can also go to our website and sign up, and there you’ll see links to the Art School, the 12-week program and also a link to the mastermind, which will tell you about that application process and how that is similar and then also different from the Art School.

I am already so excited about the class that is shaping up for this March session. And I’d love to have you join us and be a part of this really extraordinary and life-giving, lifechanging experience.

Gosh, when I got quiet and thought about what to leave you with to close today – and this is a longer podcast than I had intended – what came was again this one stanza. So, I’m going to trust that, that this is what I’m meant to share this week and hopefully what you were meant to hear.

“May you continue to ignore no vision which comes to enlarge your range and increase your spirit.” What might that vision be for you? Someday, I hope we get to meet and I would love to hear the story of the day you heard a podcast telling you to honor that vision and what you decided to do about it that day, and you made that a sacred day, a holy day for you, a day that changed everything.

Have a beautiful week, everyone and I will talk with you next time.