Ep #172: Should You Be Further Along?

Have you ever had the thought that you should be further along? Maybe I should ask, how many times today have you had the thought that you should be further along? I hope not too many. But don’t despair if that’s been the case for you because I’ve got the answer....

Ep #171: Digging Under “Not Enough” and Finding the Goldmine

Imagine for a moment that we were working together, that I’m your coach, I’m sitting across from you, looking into your eyes and telling you, “You can create anything you want.” What physical and mental response does that statement elicit from you? Is there a moment...

Ep #169: Prolific AF: How to Do It

I believe that, as creatives, we need to be prolific. So, when I heard from my mastermind mentor several months ago when we first started that our only assignment was to be prolific AF, I lit up. And so, in today’s podcast, I want to share what happened for me when I...

Ep #168: You Are Not Your Problems

Are you in love with your life, or are you infatuated with your problems and everything that you think is wrong with your life? This is a difficulty so many people in the world face and they don’t even realize it: becoming addicted to solving all of their problems...