Ep #47: Dropping Language and Dropping into Being

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way; things I had no words for.” ~ Georgia O’Keeffe You’ve heard me talk about the Thought Model in previous podcasts. And while that is great for processing your feelings around certain...

Ep #46: Untaming Your Creativity

“You were wild once; don’t let them tame you.” Creative genius and mother of modern dance, Isadora Duncan I’ve always had what I refer to as big energy. When I feel passionate about something, I want to go all out. Whether it’s art, sports, family, there is nothing...

Ep #45: Overcoming Underearning

Last week on the podcast, I identified 10 traits of under-earners and how you can spot whether you’re holding yourself and your earning potential back. To continue that work, this week, I’m sharing how to overcome whatever is keeping you in the space of being an...

Ep #44: 10 Traits of Underearners

All of the work I do with my clients is around creating a way of being that allows you to thrive in doing what you love and what you do best and not being available for anything else. This week’s topic is a truly vital part of that process for any creative, or really...

Ep #43: Becoming Your Future Self Now

“If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.” ~ Thomas Edison There are some common themes that ring true across all of my clients. One is that they have incredible ambition and they picture themselves achieving great...