Client Testimonial

I’m so deeply grateful to do this work, it feels like something I was born to do. I’m also always very moved and very appreciative when a client is willing to share an account, like the one below, of what it’s like to work with me. They always say it...

I Made Something for You!

I just made something for you! What I thought would be a simple one page worksheet turned into a twenty-seven page ebook! (With worksheets!) To get your [free!] copy just click on the title: “One Thing You Need to Create Extraordinary Art & An Extraordinary...

The Power of Decision

This photo reminds me of the power of decision. It reminds me of my power to turn impossible-seeming dreams into my new reality. It specifically reminds me of the time when I decided to sell $25,000 worth of art in a single transaction, even though the most I’d...

Right On Time

  This is an unexpected but powerful anecdote for chronic feelings of “not enough” – however that little but insidious meme manifests for you. If you feel that you’re “always” running a deficit – whether that be always...