Ep #182: The Shards That Comprise the Whole

I love to talk about and enjoy a body of work as much as the next person. I know so many of you out there have dreams of creating your masterpiece, which I am passionate about supporting and pursuing too, but when we get fixated on that opus, we often overlook the...

Ep #181: Turning Up the Dial on Your Creativity… Literally

In last week’s episode, we talked about the states of being that are not conducive to creating your greatest art. Specifically, we talked about what happens in your brain and body when you are criticized and judged, by others or by yourself, and why your brain...

Ep #180: Neuroplasticity and The Inner Critic

I have a quote from Cezanne that I keep handy in my art studio: “Don’t be an art critic. Paint. Therein lies salvation.” However, what do you do if you have already been seized by that voice and it is alive and dominant inside of you? You might long to paint with all...

Ep #179: How Judgment Inhibits Our Creative Genius

Buckminster Fuller said that we are all born genius, and that the conditions of living are what de-genuis us. This quote inspired this episode as well as the next couple episodes in that it made me consider those conditions of living, one of which is judgment or our...

Ep #178: How to Engage Your Greatness

Maybe you’ve heard the adage, “If you want better answers then ask better questions.” Well, something I am fond of telling my clients is to ask themselves greater questions; questions that will evoke their greatness. And it’s something I practice myself. It’s a...