Ep #139: Artistic Inspiration and the Key to Finding It

In today’s podcast, I’m going to focus on a key element of cultivating an extraordinary way of being in mind, body, and spirit. In particular, we’re discussing the roles that presence and productivity play and how we can utilize them in the nitty-gritty of our...

Ep #138: Elevating Your Focus to Create the Extraordinary

My core functional creative philosophy is that by cultivating an extraordinary way of being in mind, body, and spirit, we make those extraordinary results we dream of inevitable. So I’m asking you this week, what would your life look like if you went 110% all-in on...

Ep #137: Diving into the Big Water

There are some episodes of the podcast where I know the topic in advance. I know what I want to say, how I want to say it, and I’ve known for months. And there are other times when there’s something that feels like it really wants to be said: something that I know is...

Ep #136: Honoring the Process and Liberating Your Creativity

“Take your well-disciplined strengths and stretch them between two opposing poles, because inside human beings is where God learns.” I love this poem, Just as the Winged Energy of Delight, by Ranier Maria Rilke, translated by Robert Bly. It does for me just what the...

Ep #135: Make Summer 2021 a Season of Change

With any summer comes the energy of change, growth, and possibility. And after the events of the past 18 months, this energy has never been more welcome. So, what I want to share with you today is the inspiration and opportunity to make this summer to be the best one...

Ep #134: Into the Wild Blue Yonder

Off we go into the Wild Blue Yonder – those lyrics inspired me in so many ways as a child and eventually inspired me to write my first book of poetry. Today, I wanted to share with you a little from that book, the genesis of the book, and an overview of all of my...