Ep #127: Embracing the Mystery of the Creative Dance

I joke sometimes about waving a magic wand to make the task of creating a work of art easier. But in truth, I love that part of the creative process: the messy middle. I bask in the tension, discomfort, and mystery that surfaces when I’m not sure exactly how a piece...

Ep #124: How to Do It Your Way

You find me this week on one of those days where the energy is low and my studio is a mess. And while times like this are difficult to work through, there is also an incredible amount to be gleaned from how we handle these situations. And I’m sharing my own experience...

Ep #123: Why Me?

Are you unconsciously disqualifying yourself from achieving and participating in your big goals and dreams? Are you denying yourself the experience of living life as somebody who wakes up every day right inside that dream, who knows that they belong there? This is...

Ep #122: Who Am I?

There is an age-old philosophical question posed by great teachers, mystics, artists, human beings throughout the ages. I’m sure you have heard of it, and you may have pondered and contemplated your response at length to the question: who am I? So, who are you? While...