Ep #97: (Part 2) Pulling Back the Veil on The Art School

In a world where we do need the analytical and practical to thrive, what I’m sensing is that we are also desperate to dive into these deeper and more mysterious aspects of ourselves, to reclaim our full creative power. You’ve been able to create immense, amazing...

Ep #96: Pulling Back the Veil on The Art School

It is not a mistake that you ended up here, listening to this week’s episode of the show. There is something sacred and deep within you that is trying to get your attention, trying to flow through you. And deep down, you know what it is. But society makes us believe...

Ep #95: What is The Art School?

I know that you came here to this podcast with the seed of a dream, with the potential to grow and do something meaningful in this lifetime, whether you can see exactly what that looks like right now or not. And even if you don’t have the exact vision all figured out,...

Ep #94: Creativity Through Consciousness

A desire to get out of one’s own way and to have the innate genius or higher creativity flow through you is a desire of many creatives, but self-consciousness often stands in the way. So, we need to cultivate something different. And as I’ve said before the opposite...

Ep #93: (Part 2) The Art and Skill of 10X-ing Any Investment

Last week, I brought you part one of my recent workshop around what I believe is the meta-skill of 10X-ing any investment you make in yourself and how to get your mind, body, and spirit into that place. And this week, I have the second part of that conversation for...

Ep #92: The Art and Skill of 10X-ing Any Investment

I teach my clients that they can 10X their investment in The Art School, but I also want this to be a meta-skill that can be applied to any area and any investment in their life. I truly believe this is not just a possibility, an idea, or a theory, but that this is a...