Ep #91: Navigating Resistance and the Messy Middle

I’ve been having a lot of conversations around how to navigate the messy middle of the creative process. When we start out on our journey towards our bold and audacious dreams, we can be so on fire that it feels like the heat with which we approach our work will never...

Ep #90: Reconnecting with Your Vision

If you currently feel, or have ever felt, disconnected from the truth of who you are, from your goals, dreams, or your big vision, I believe this episode has something powerful to offer you. And even if you are still right on track, what I have for you today will help...

Ep #89: Bringing Your Imagination into Focus

Last week on the podcast, I brought you the first part of my Summer Workshop Series in which we worked on defining your own future. And in this episode, we’re going to perfect the art of setting that vision into motion and bringing your imagination into focus. I’m...

Ep #88: Defining Your Own Future

Are you being defined by a vision of the future, or controlled by memories of the past? This one question can revolutionize your entire life, and in the next few episodes of The Art School Podcast, we’ll be taking a deep dive into this topic, and ways to harness the...

Ep #87: The Magic of Summer

Today’s episode is the result of me going on my own quest for a bit of summer magic. And if we’re thinking about the magic of the elements, particularly the element of fire, maybe some of you out there too feel like you have been playing with fire. You’ve been burning...