Ep #79: How to Astonish Yourself

I think one way I would describe what coaching is to me is proving that humans are astonishing. And I believe we have a desire to astonish ourselves, to know and discover that which in ourselves would astonish us. And this doesn’t come from a desire for dominance, but...

Ep #76: Gems from The Art School Immersion

Usually on this podcast, I like to take one idea or one theme and take a deep dive, really dissecting it and finding the transformation. However, so many of the things that have stuck with me since I started this work have been one-liners and little gems that, as life...

Ep #74: Giving Yourself Permission to Thrive

Among the many pearls of wisdom offered to me by my parents, there is one that has stuck with me and is incredibly applicable to all of our lives right now: “Tough times don’t last, but tough people do.” Now, I don’t want to talk about how tough this time is. Everyone...