Ep #67: How Self-Pity Keeps Us from Our Own Great Power

In last week’s episode, I shared a new way of thinking about self-pity and victim mindset as an opportunity to grow. I want to continue that conversation today and show you how you can catch yourself in the big energy that can instigate a sudden feeling of panic, and...

Ep #66: How to Grow from Self-Pity

I truly believe that if you have something you want to share with the world, a creative yearning that lives within you, then you are capable of taking the world by storm. So many of my clients conceptually understand how key belief is in showing yourself through your...

Ep #65: (Part 2) How to Let Yourself Shine with Andrea Owen

I hope you tuned in last week for the first part of my conversation with Andrea Owen. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, Andrea hits it out of the park in part two of this conversation! Andrea has many stories and much wisdom that that speak to the potent...

Ep #64: (Part 1) How to Let Yourself Shine with Andrea Owen

I had the opportunity to share something a little different with you all today, so I grabbed it with both hands. I have the first of a two-part interview with Andrea Owen who is an author, global speaker, professional certified life coach, and creator of Your Kick-Ass...

Ep #63: Becoming Creatively Powerful

To me, creativity goes to the core of what we are capable of as human beings. And harnessing our creative potential means fully facing and embracing what is possible for us in our lives. However, far too often, I see people actually frightened of what they might be...

Ep #62: How to Harness Your Imagination

I want to discuss something with you all today that might be a little outside the realm of what you’re used to hearing. In fact, you might even find it downright difficult to get your head around. But even just understanding this concept is the kind of perspective...