Ep #61: Truly Committing to Your Moonshot

Around one year ago, I took an episode to explain the power of moonshot thinking, and I shared my moonshot goal with you all for the first time. The purpose of that big goal is to really test the boundaries of what you believe is possible in your lifetime, and move...

Ep #60: 3 Questions to Make 2020 an Unimaginable Success

As we enter into a new decade, I’m using this as an opportunity to reflect and look back on huge shifts I have experienced over the last few years. However, as I do this, I also know that regardless of what has happened in the past, the possibilities for my...

Ep #59: My Holiday Gift to You

So often, when we’re stuck and we feel like we need to make huge changes in our lives to overcome adversity, what’s actually going on is that we just have it wrong. We think our problems are huge. However, we are always bigger than our problems. I want to give you all...

Ep #58: The Value of Simplicity

Today, we are going to talk about how simplicity plays a key role in fueling your success and supporting the momentum of your continued creative revolution. This is of huge importance because it fits in beautifully with the ongoing conversation we’ve been having about...

Ep #57: What Is Your Next Step?

One thing that causes us great frustration and needless suffering is the perception that there is something standing in the way of us becoming the person we want to become. What’s worse is that we often can’t see what that is. However, I want to suggest that the thing...

Ep #56: Feeding Your Wind Horse

Cultivating an extraordinary way of being is not about living up to society’s expectations, nor is it about running from your fear and anxiety, trying to hide from your self-doubt. That is an exhausting way to live, and it is not conducive to achieving mastery. What...