Build an Olympic gold mindset to achieve ultimate performance.
Reach your olympic sized goal
The strongest successful public figures have mindset coaches. Oprah doesn’t sit around and let her mind wander into a shame spiral when she faces a new level to reach. She works with her coach (Martha Beck, BTW) to help her clear any mental block standing in her way.
Serena Williams hired Tony Robbins to coach her to reach her next level (because she hungered for more than 23 Grand Slam titles) while also enjoying life and being happy.
And you are no different. You have big, beautiful creative goals to reach. Maybe you already have what could be considered a gold medal in your field, but now it’s time to reach the next level. Or, perhaps you’re just breaking through to a new endeavor and would like to remove the mental stumbling blocks that will slow you down.
Either way, the Gold Medal Mindset Series May 11 – May 20th, 2021 will help you build an Olympic Gold mindset to achieve ultimate performance.
what is thIS series?
The Gold Medal Mindset Series is an online coaching program for artists, coaches, creatives, executives, community leaders and creative powerhouses.
During this 2-week immersion workshop series, you’ll take on an Olympic Gold mindset so you can reach the next level. We’ll use many of The Art School philosophies to help you learn how to notice when your mind is holding you back from achieving greater success and happiness and work to clear those blocks so you can spring forward and reach your Olympic sized goal.
We’ll gather on Zoom for 4 60-minute Zoom group coaching sessions, (replays are available) where I’ll coach you The Art School way to help you achieve your most creative, prolific, profitable, and magical level yet!
There will also be a private FB group (optional) that you will be invited to join so you can connect with your peers. experience the energy of The Immersion community, post questions for coaching, and celebrate new insights and opportunities!
But First, A Warning:
This will be an awesome and intense two weeks together. This series is for the creative who is ready to have your face coached off and be challenged in the best ways. If you’re someone who is willing to jump in the deep end and go hard with coaching, mindset work and reaching your goals – then you’re perfect for this. It will be an epic and fun immersion.
We’ll have a small, intimate group of powerhouses who are ready to claim their gold medals. Will you be one of them?
In The Immersion, Expect To:

Expand Your Capacity for Wealth, Success & Happiness!
We’ll explore creating a literal and metaphorical possibility box, where you can develop the internal voice that is capable of reaching the next level for yourself and your work. You’ll achieve those new goals in a strong, empowering, enjoyable way – without doing violence to yourself or “hustling” and “grinding”.
No more squeezing out possibility with the need to be over-secure and control everything at all times (hello my type A personality friends and perfectionists!).

Manage Your Mind Like an Olympian
As artists and creatives, you have everything you need to become the next greatest version of yourself. Even if there have been areas you’ve struggled with in the past, you can learn to cultivate an extraordinary way of being and how to manage your mind to face any obstacle that stands in your way.
You’ll learn my most powerful mind set tools and get coaching that will take you to your next level of greatness. Just like Oprah and Serena have mindset coaches to stay at the top of their games – you’ll have one too!

Immerse in a Supportive Community
The Art School crowd attracts high-vibe artists and creatives that will help energize you when you’re feeling low, have your back when you need support, and collectively cheer you on to celebrate your wins! (It’s called a reason to ring the cowbell and pull out all the “snaps!” in Art School lingo!)
Doors open for you when enjoy connection in a positive community where you’re surrounded by kindred spirits with similar dreams and who are all about the uplifting of others and the community as whole. Oprah and Serena wouldn’t spend their time with people who tell them they can’t reach their goal – and you won’t be either!
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HERE aRE THE DETAILS for the series:
- 60-minute group workshop calls via zoom chat May 11th at 8pm EST
- 60-minute group workshop calls via zoom chat May 13th at 3:30pm EST
- 60-minute group workshop calls via zoom chat May 18th at 8pm EST
- 60-minute group workshop calls via zoom chat May 20th at 3:30pm EST
- Short daily writing prompts to support your goal
- Recordings available for any calls you can’t attend
- The registration fee is $799
The Immersion was a time of introspection for me and I had to sit with some uncomfortable decisions, but that was good, because it helped me to move! I’ve started to let go of some responsibilities that weren’t supporting me, so change is in the air. I truly appreciate the energy that Leah pours into her work. She is thoughtful in her responses and takes time to give motivating feedback.
Her coaching questions are excellent and made me stop and dig to find better and better answers to help me build my dream life. I discovered ideas that I’d been thinking about for a long time, and had been pushing them to the side, not really letting them come into my consciousness. AHA! I’m grateful I was able to take the course to help me focus more clearly and give myself a boost to start 2021. Leah is an expert at understanding human behavior and urging one to get to know herself better! Thank you for the positive experience.
Deborah Bowen
How I’d rate The Immersion? I say it’s big, fat 10*! 💃 What attracted me to Immersion was a previous podcast by Leah where she talked about impotent goals. And since the topic of potentiality is dear to me, and I resonated very much with Leah’s talk, the Immersion was a logical next step.
It was truly a marvelous experience, and I enjoyed every minute of it. The challenge brought me lots of inspiration, new perspectives, and aha’s (that I’m busy applying now). I love art, innovative thinking and experimenting, and Leah’s approach feels very much like coming home. What I especially appreciate in Leah’s approach is her professionalism, efficiency in technical stuff (providing the links each day, answering the emails, and that kind of thing).
I especially appreciate that the group wasn’t a Facebook happening, but on Zoom–which I experienced as being very serene, to the point, not wasting any minute on blah-blah things. Really holding space to be fully present. The Immersion was worth every second of my time!
Laura van den Berg
I liked the short “let’s try it out” option and also had a bunch of personal life events that led to the decision to dive in and spend a bunch of hours on the topic.
I liked the structure. The order of the topics worked out well logically and personally as well. I liked that questions could be asked and got answered. Seeing other people’s struggles and issues is helpful too and a lot to learn from. This gave a nice overview of the “The Art School” and allowed a glance of the philosophy, the main message, the main guideline.
The covered areas already provided a ton to work on and look into, therefore it was a good start for both groups of people, i.e., the ones enrolling to TAS and for those who don’t.
Leah was generous by working on the questions “off” time, which was not advertised at the beginning. The total hours spent on the personal part of the week was very impressive and inspirational as well. It was powerful and provided more than I expected. Also, it is very generous to provide the class replays forever. I’m sure all days will have a new meaning after a while.
Edit Varga
I have been listening to Leah for over the last year on every single one of my daily walks. I can’t recall what podcast interview I first heard Leah’s full heart and wisdom, but I fell in love immediately and have been devouring every last word she’s shared with YES! me too! and oh, sooooo much gratitude to hear someone who so radically speaks my language!
When she shared on her podcast that she was offering the Immersion and that I could watch via the recording, I signed up immediately. I’m still steeping in everything Leah shared during the week, taking prolific notes and letting everything fill me up with ideas and gratitude and love and oh, yes, sooooo many possibilities!!!
I have to pare down the serious AHA’s I have had, but there are so many, it’s hard to, lol! Still soaking up ALL the juiciness! I feel really good. AND know that all I learned is still working its way into my being. These Immersion days have filled me up and reminded me that more can be a good thing when it is rooted in love. Ambition is something new for me and I realized that my really good life, was holding me back from my 100% magically and wonderfully abundant life…. So I’m getting out of my own way more and more and truly allowing what is essential to me to become sacred and what is sacred to me to become essential.
I take A LOT of classes/courses and these were some of the most stellar hours I’ve ever experienced. Divine timing and all… AND absolute Leah magic.
Shannon Horne
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more about YOUR COACH, LEAH

I provide world-class coaching to world-class performers and leaders in the arts, business, and social good. The work is about fulfilling your greatest potential by cultivating a way of being that energizes, strengthens, and enlivens every aspect of your life, including your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being, relationships, finances, life experiences, creativity, and the desire for meaningful work.
Over the last twelve years, I’ve established a track record of helping people break through barriers to achieve “impossible” dreams, including my own journey from attorney to artist and Master Life Coach. My genius is helping you unleash yours.
I have an undergraduate degree in Finance and a law degree, both from the University of Iowa. I am a trained and certified Transformative Mediator, a Pilates and yoga teacher, a self-taught artist, poet, writer, entrepreneur, a Certified Life Coach and a Certified Master Life Coach (both of those trainings and certifications through the The Life Coach School, the best boutique coaching school in the country).
I’m married to Brad, farm boy turned college professor, and mother to three amazing children (ages 7, 10, and 11). Our family lives on forty acres in rural Michigan with Izzy the cat, Luna the golden doodle, and 16 chickens.
It’s time to focus on creating a rich way of living – in creativity and in mind, body, spirit, relationships, and bank account – not from a place of push, force, hustle, and desperation,
But from a place of being deeply centered, relaxed, powerful – A place that is truly creative, truly you!
still have questions?
I would love for you to join for The Gold Medal Mindset Series. If you still have questions, email us at We’re happy to answer any questions you have!
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