The Art School Podcast with Leah Badertscher | Making Space for Your Creative Genius to FlowIn the words of Joseph Campbell, “What is the universe? Space.” So, if the entirety of creation sprung from space, including galaxies, including our own Earth, and the billions of people on this blue and green planet, why wouldn’t we as creatures of this creation also follow this law?

Joseph Campbell also said, “There is a wonderful accord between interior and exterior worlds.” And in today’s episode, we’re going to take our cue from the exterior world, our world, and its origins, and discuss how creating space will allow us to express our creative genius, giving life to the possibilities that are currently encapsulated in our visions, our dreams, our goals, and our hearts’ desires.

Tune in this week to discover how to get out of survival mode and instead into a place where you have the space for your creative genius to flow through and out of you into the world. I’m showing you how to see where you’re currently fenced in, bumping and thrashing up against upper limits, and how cultivating space in those areas will transform your inner and outer world. 

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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why, when making a shift in your life, the first step should always be making space.
  • Where, as creatives, we find ourselves in survival mode when we don’t have the space to consider our next move.
  • The higher frequency of thought and imagination we need to access to calm our central nervous system away from fight or flight.
  • Where to look to see the benevolence that may currently be outside of our normal realm of physical expression, but is there to assist you.
  • How to decide where you need more space for your fullest expressions, and what you can do to start creating them.

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Full Episode Transcript:

“The laws of time and space are in us. We carry those laws within our own heads. And anything we can see or know anywhere will involve those laws. What is the universe? Space. Out of space came a coagulation that became a nebula. And out of that nebula, millions of galaxies. And within one constellation of galaxies, a sun with our little planet circulating it. Then, out of the Earth came us, the eyes and the consciousness and the ears and the breathing of life itself. We are Earth’s children. And since the Earth itself came out of space, is it any wonder that the laws of space live in us? There’s a wonderful accord between the interior and exterior worlds.” Joseph Campbell.

If the entirety of creation sprung from space, including galaxies, including our own, including our own Earth, including you and I and the billions of people on this blue and green planet, if space is what gave birth to all of this creation, why wouldn’t we as creatures of this creation also follow this law?

As Joseph Campbell said, “There is a wonderful accord between interior and exterior worlds.” And in today’s episode, we’re going to take our cue from the exterior world, the universe, and discuss how creating space will allow us to express our creative genius and give life to the worlds of possibility that are currently encapsulated in our visions, our dreams, our goals, our hearts’ desires.

You are listening to The Art School Podcast; a show for artists and creatives who want to become the next greatest version of themselves. Learn how to cultivate an extraordinary way of being and take the mystery out of making money, and the struggle out of making art. Here is your host, master certified life coach, artist, and former lawyer, Leah Badertscher.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another episode of The Art School Podcast. I am recording this for you on a very auspicious, potent day. It’s 11/11/21. Those of you who geek out over things like numerology, like I do, know what this means already. Those of you that don’t are about to learn what it means. And you might find that you geek out over it as well. Or it might not be your cup of tea. But I just wanted to read for you a bit from the Numerologist website on what they have to say about 11/11.

So, if you’ve followed my work, you know the motif, the symbol, the phenomenon of a doorway and a portal is significant for me in my work, my artwork, coaching work, writing.

And so, what they had – actually, this is on their Instagram account – is, “11/11, the portal. 11/11 unlocks your personal manifesting portal. Right now, your manifestation power is at an all-time high as we approach November 11th, 2021.” So, I’m recording this for you actually on November 11th. And you’re hearing it a week later. But never fear, the doorway stays open for a while.

“A direct gateway is opening between divine guidance, spirit realm, and grounded materialization; physical realm. The energy of this year’s 11/11 portal will be especially potent and transformational. We’re talking manifestation at lightning speed. On 11/11, you’ll be literally standing at the precipice of incredible power and infinite possibility.”

So, even if you aren’t fascinated by numerology, by patterns, by numbers, by purpose, if you’re following this podcast, likely you are fascinated, as I am, about openings, about infinite potential, about possibilities. And also, a characteristic in this community, which I think is a reflection of who I am and how I move in the world, is this relationship, intersection, ability to hold a space for both of these things, the divine guidance, the spirit realm, and a grounded manifestation, materialization, the physical realm.

Because if you are an artist, if you are a visionary, if you are someone who is capital-C Creative and knows you have the ability if you don’t already, but you’re working on it. Anyone who can take an idea and bring it into form, that is moving something from the immaterial into the material realm. And so, what an awesome day for all of us.

So, I am setting some powerful intentions today and they include intentions for this audience, that you realize that you have everything you need to realize, make real your goals, your dreams, your heart’s desires, that you have the ability to live from your zone of genius, to live from a fulfilled and also expansive, ever-growing, ever-evolving place. You have the ability to create, to do extraordinary things. You have the ability to be an extraordinary human being from the inside out and live a truly, truly extraordinary, beautiful, fulfilling life.

And as I mentioned in last week’s episode, this cluster of episodes here – speaking of nebula and galaxies – are going to center even more explicitly and clearly around what you can do to connect with and to nurture and cultivate your creative genius.

So, I taught in last week’s episode that part of the process is to release the places where you’re thinking too small. We talked about how most pain and problems come from thinking too small, including when we try to place a linear process on a piece of magic.

I referenced Ali Brown’s Iconic conference, where that was her quote, “Avoid putting a linear process on a piece of magic.” And I can’t remember if I talked explicitly last week about Gay Henricks, The Big Leap. But if not, I know it was in there in spirit and we’ll be talking more specifically about it today.

Particularly he talks about these different ones in which we can live and create and operate, beginning with the zone of incompetence and moving up to the zone of competence, moving up to the zone of excellence, and then above that is the zone of genius.

And what I want for this community – and I’m assuming that if you’re here, this is what you want for yourself too, is to be living as much as you can from that zone of genius. And so, if we’re in our zone of excellence, we could be creating a lot of success. But again, it’s still thinking too small. It’s still applying maybe conventional standards or someone else’s standards or process on trying to create our magic.

And it will just never work. And the fortunate thing is, when it doesn’t work, one of the ways we know is because we have a sense of being unfulfilled. We have a nagging sense that something’s wrong. We have a sense that something within us is deadened or dying. Some aspect of our life is stagnating. Or maybe we act out in certain ways that we might call self-sabotage or just other ways of creating what Gay Henricks calls an upper-limit. Meaning we only allow ourselves for life to get so good before we turn the temperature down in one way or another.

I highly recommend The Big Leap, by the way. That’s one of my favorites and it’s one to reread every year. I am currently doing that and I thought I knew the book forward and backwards, but I’m seeing it and hearing it and receiving messages and having insights activated at a completely different level.

So, I have done podcasts and workshops and taught so many classes before and done so many coaching sessions on creating space; the importance of negative space. There is, I know, an episode on that. And then also more recently, the summer I believe, I did a podcast on spaciousness.

And so, I wanted to revisit it within, again, this cluster of episodes centering around creative genius, to really make the case for if you are wanting to give life to something that takes your life in a whole different direction, that allows you to express your genius and move from a zone of excellence to genius, or move – maybe you’ve been in genus before and now you’re taking to a next level, or maybe things aren’t working for you at all.

No matter which of these descriptions fits where you are, if there is something that is wanting to be born through you – and sometimes we sense that is this feeling of excitement, enthusiasm. Sometimes, we sense it as overwhelm. Sometimes, we sense it as things aren’t going well and we know there’s a tweak, a flipping of the switch, and epiphany, a shift available to us. Then the first thing to do is making the space. The first thing to do is to make the space.

So, that’s why I wanted to lead too with that Joseph Campbell quote about how there is this accord between our interior world and the exterior world. Because if we take our cue from the way life, the universe, nature creates magnificently, it all came from space.

So, there was also a story – there are so many synchronicities, again, between the conference in Phoenix and things that we have been talking about in the Art School and things that I’ve been thinking about, including a very similar story.

There’s a story told about a fly. And my Art Schoolers will recognize this story that I’m going to tell, which is my personal story, about a bird. And I wanted to share it within this context of creating a space.

So, a few years ago, it was one of the first Art Schools, if not the very first one. So, back in 2018 when we were living in our old farmhouse. And I used to like to do a lot of my calls on the screen porch back there because it’s just a beautiful setting and it was so pleasant to be working outside and then also being able to be with the Art School.

And there was one time when we had been having some work done on the screen porch. And in the course of the construction, a bird got in. And I was getting set up for my call and this bird realized it was trapped in there and was trying to get out.

And it kept trying to get out by flying into – there are these windows that’s slide up and down that are made of these plastic see-through things. They use them on golf courses, called Jeld-Wen windows. And it kept trying to fly out through the window.

It was really distressed and just kept doing the same thing, thrashing about in the air and just going at it over and over and over again. And I went over and opened the door and propped the door open and still, even though there was a clear path to freedom, the bird just kept throwing itself – it could see freedom. It could see the big world out there. It could see the possibility, home base, its tree, the big blue sky, and it just kept doing the same thing.

And so, then I realized, maybe I’ll remove myself from the room, and I actually did my call somewhere else and thought maybe that will allow the bird to settle down and find its way out. And I finished the call, when out, and I’d propped the door open, and the bird must have found its way.

My takeaway from that – because it felt to me, I felt the distress of the bird. I was concerned that it was going to kill itself, the way birds sometimes do. They break their neck flying into windows like that, or from all of that stress, bursting its little heart.

And I felt for its distress, and I also felt that I recognized that, that kind of distress. And I recognized the reaction to it in my own life and I took it as not only a sign, as our brilliant Betsy Pearson was talking about today in an epic – let me just say pause a second, period pause – dream analysis class was an epically magical corner of the universe.

And for everyone there, minds blown, hearts shifted and blown wide open, people astonished. And so, one of Betsy’s many takeaways gems in there, she was talking about the difference between signs and symbols.

You know, signs we take, there could be messages. But symbol, we engage with. And so, I took this as a sign really, but engaged with it as a symbol. Like, how is this speaking to me, this bird flying against the window?

I know it is. I can feel it has the smack of, like, this is a message for me. And so, I thought, where in my life am I doing this? Or where do I do this? I see the possibility. I see the big beautiful world out there waiting for me, the green trees, the green light, the big blue sky, the opportunity to soar. And I’m like, “Yes, I am going for it.”

And so, I back up, take a running head start and throw myself, like the bird was, and then bounce off by some invisible force, like that window must have felt to the bird, like so maddening. I can see it, and then I keep running up and bouncing off, getting the crap knocked out of me against this invisible force. And so, I thought, where am I doing that? Oh my god, so many places in my life.

I know that that world exists. I know that that blue sky, that Wild Blue Yonder, like my poetry book is named, exists. And then I’m like, this must be the way. I throw myself against it with a running start, bounce off, thrash about, hit the ground, pick myself back up. I’m a little winded, but then try the same thing over again.

And, you know, as I thought about this for myself, I thought, well clearly I know I’m not alone because I see my clients do the same. A big part of my work as well is facilitating the shift, not only one time in a moment, but over a lifetime helping people cultivate a way of being where they are coming more and more and more, normalizing being in a creative state of being, in a homeostatic, returning the body and the central nervous system to homeostasis.

Coming from a creative state of being, moving out of being overly perpetually, chronically in survival mode, in fight or flight because that’s what this bird was in. It was in survival mode, fight or flight.

And just like this poor bird, when you and I are in survival mode, fight or flight, we are not able to access higher realms and frequencies of thought, of imagination. We don’t feel we can take the time. Because we’re in survival mode, everything feels urgent and like life or death. We don’t feel we can take the time to gather ourselves and relax into this sense that we know, if we can see it, there must be a way.

And actually, like I was holding the door open for the bird, there was a way. There was me in the background of the bird’s life, a benevolent force wanting, wishing, intending that it find its way to freedom. And yet, when we’re in survival and fight or flight, we can’t sense that opening. We can’t sense that portal, that doorway opening. We can’t sense the benevolence that is trying to assist us from the outside.

We can’t access our own inner wisdom and guidance because birds, animals have phenomenal navigational systems, phenomenal senses, including of direction and spatial, physical awareness. So, if the bird was settled, no doubt it would be able to sense that open door, just as we, when we are settled, are able to sense the portals, the open doors, the pathways, the green lights, the possibilities, the opportunities.

We are able to sense the benevolence that might be outside of our realm of normal physical expression but is there wanting to assist us. So, again, I took that experience, that encounter with the bird and sat with it and have continued to think about it. It’s been years and I’ve shared that story too with Art Schools and with many clients.

And for me too, it informed, at that time, and still does my own creative process. When I feel myself coming up against obstacles – and maybe the same obstacle over and over again and feels like there is an invisible force that I’m bouncing off, then I remind myself, “Get still, get quiet, gather yourself, create space.” So that you can sense the openings and the portals, so that you can sense the benevolence. So that you can attune yourself to your inner guidance.

And it yielded a lot of great breakthroughs and insights for me at that time, including my vision of the Art School. It really clarified my purpose there in the Art School, my life’s purpose, that creating space for that settling to happen so that people’s genius can arise in them, their inner guidance, there inner guardian angel, their inner knowing ca arise again in them and they can connect with it and be in conversation with it so that that freedom that they see in their dreams, that beautiful vision of their own Wild Blue Yonder, their own big dream that they can see, but they feel like they’re bouncing off against because some invisible force, that’s real.

That’s real. And then, it’s connecting again, creating a space so that they feel safe enough to connect with that wisdom that can guide them to the way out, the path of liberation. Which to me too, liberation, freedom, living your fullest potential expression of your creative genius, all of those, living a life you love, seem to be saying the same things to me.

You’re no longer stuck, but you’re out, soaring. You no longer have your dreams stuck inside of you, but you’re out in the world living with it. It’s no longer something you can only see but you can’t touch and be a part of. You are it. You are a part of it. And then, there is a way.

And so, something else that has occurred to me recently when thinking about this story again was that I have been thinking so much the last, well, few years, but even more intensely the last year, about the quantum.

So, I don’t know, it’s probably been decades I’ve been thinking about the quantum. I’ve been fascinated with it ever since I was a kid and stumbled across some random physics books. And things are really coming to a focus this last year, including the explorations into Joe Dispenza’s work, and recently have been talking with clients and then here on the podcast about, you know, what if flipping the switch?

What is that paradox of being deeply focused and engaged with your work? And then also starting at Z, not putting incremental steps, unnecessary steps between you and doing that thing right now, not procrastinating, that you are meant to create.

And what if a quantum shift, what if – this is a phrase I just keep thinking about. What if quantum creativity is available to you? What if that is just like the bird finding its way out the door? What if the fact that we’re thinking about it means that actually a part of us sees it as clearly as that bird could see and sense and know that freedom, the great outdoors on the other side of that screen porch was actually real?

What if maybe we’re not seeing it with our eyes, but we’re seeing it with our spirits, with our soul, we’re sensing it with our imagination and psyche, and what we’re calling a quantum shift is really just allowing ourselves to settle and feel that way, and that it’s not worlds away, it’s not decades away, but it’s right out the door and it’s right there.

I do think this is a time for that. I do think there are so many opportunities for that kind of path, that kind of knowing, and that kind of liberation. So, this brings me to the part of the podcast where I want you to do more than just listen. I want you to lean in and really work with me, coach with me.

So, the first is rather obvious. You must have seen this coming, but I would be remiss if I didn’t give you the explicit invitation and strong, strong – that’s a weak word for the energy with which I’m pushing this – encouragement to do this.

How can you, how will you create space? There are answers that will come to you that only can come up through you. Honor those. Write them down. And then follow through. Like I said, there is a lot of energy right now. There is a lot of energy. And if you ride it, it will take you up.

If you resist it, you’ll likely just feel overwhelmed by the pressure of resisting it and holding it back and keeping it from happening. Think about that. Right now, you’re spending so much more energy keeping it from happening rather than creating the space to allow it, to surrender it, maybe to participate in its happening. But that will require so much less energy than the energy we expend in resisting it.

And one of the ways we resist it is by not creating space. One of the ways we resist it is by not only not creating space, but continuing to pile on and pile on more and more things, doing more of the same, trying to do it faster, trying to do it better, trying to do it smarter, trying to do it better than anyone else.

But that’s the method of the bird smashing itself into the window. Don’t be that version of the bird. What can you do to quiet yourself, gather yourself, create space to allow your genius to rise up within you, to allow these ideas, these opportunities, this energy to rise up and catch up with you and show you the way out that door that you know, we both know is there?

Otherwise, you wouldn’t be sensing, you wouldn’t feel the pressure. You wouldn’t be sensing the thing that you’re sensing. It’s real. And for those of you who just cringe when I say, “Create space,” because you’re like, “Oh god, is she going to ask me to meditate?” Yes, yes I am.

And if you don’t want to call it meditate, call it 15 minutes of just silence by yourself. Blaise Pascal said, “All people’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone. All people’s miseries derive from not bring able to sit in a quiet room alone.”

And I am not at all judging if that’s difficult for you because I have experienced the difficulty of sitting alone in my room. Because the thing is, when you’re alone, you’re not alone. When you put yourself alone in the room, all sorts of things come up. All sorts of feelings that otherwise you could drown out by the noise of how you usually go about life, with focusing on other people or other things.

I also have so much compassion after having led, guided over 100 people now through the process of learning to be alone with themselves, and including when it feels really intense. And so, I am not diminishing the difficulty or the intensity because, sometimes, it can be.

And I think someone was asking me the other day, “What is one of the most important things you think you do in your zone of genius?” And I really do think it’s helping people be alone with themselves and then learning a brand new way to navigate the energies that we can come face to face with.

Other places, they’d call it coming face to face with your demons. I wouldn’t name it that. That’s not at all – there might be a part of us that labels it that. But part of the power in the work I do is dropping those labels, to really have a direct experience and a holy encounter with that, and that that shifts everything.

So, know that there are many ways to do this. But give this to yourself. Start with even 15 minutes a day, all alone in silence. No podcasts. No books. No journaling. Just you with your precious, precious self.

My friend Christie Inge calls this pure aura time. And isn’t that beautiful? Time with your own pure aura. And yes, I know again, like I said, sometimes it can not feel like you’re experiencing your own pure aura. Sometimes, it feels like you’re sitting in fire. But also know, your pure aura is there too.

This could be a podcast episode all in itself, meditation, a big part of my life. And I have told my clients too, at least 15 minutes a day, creating this kind of space. And then you’ll find, with time, you want more. Because it shifts everything in your life. It’s one of those things where nothing changes, but everything changes.

So, let me state it this way too. Because I quoted Blaise Pascal, again, “All people’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.” But let me give you a little more of a carrot.

There is gold in being alone. There is gold in your discomfort. And I want to be clear about the words that I’m using. Not just gold on the other side of your emotions, of your experience of being alone, of your discomfort, of your experience with silence, which is also space, which also – as the great sages and mystics say – what resembles God in our universe most of all but space?

So, there is gold in the space. There is gold in the emotions, in the experience of it, not just on the other side. Because I think that’s what too many of us have heard and been told. So, we’re like, “Oh my god, let me just hurry up and get it over with and get to the other side.”

But then, what happens is that we are continually postponing life, and the gold is in the moment. The gold is in the present. And the gold is in all those places that we’ve been told we just need to get through.

And then, instead of getting through, we need to be in it, and then we’ll find there’s such riches there. Even just this last week, more than a handful of times, I have walked people through, been with them as they walked through intense experiences which they’re like, “I know I don’t… Okay, you don’t have to. You’re completely safe. You can choose.

But then, when we encountered it gently and we found a gentle way in, which is like my equivalent of holding the door open for the bird, not forcing the bird out, but holding a door open and letting people – they find their path to freedom.

And it also helps to have a contact with the benevolent force saying, “There’s a door open here. If you settle and get quiet, I bet you’ll sense. You know the way and you’ll sense there is a door open here and you’ll find your way through it.” But again, in order to do that, you need space and you need silence to settle.

And then you won’t feel like the way to your genius is to muscle your way and bust through that invisible window, that invisible forcefield. No, you’ll know then that your genius isn’t something that you achieve like that. It’s something that, when you are in the space, in the silence, you know that it is part of the universe and you are part of the universe.

Again, the interior and exterior, there’s accord between these worlds and you feel it rise up within you and it guides you from the inside out, not something you’ve got to go out and conquer and slay, but a guardian, a guide.

And my final coach with me invitation for you is to think of something very specific, a very specific way that you want to create space for that which is wanting to come through you, and to look for the ways where you try to nickel and dime yourself and just get by. You’re like, “I can squeak this out in the remains of the day or the remains of the time.”

Instead, create an actual physical space, whether it’s symbolic or literal, where you work. Create space on your calendar. Join a program, a group. Hire a therapist, a coach, a mentor, enroll in something that creates an external container, an external structure for space.

This has been a lot of the fun work to watch. And really, it’s risen organically this time around in the Art School, the theme of literal spaces. Having artists find their ideal space for their creative work, whether it’s an ideal space in downtown Miami, so that it’s a real-deal gorgeous studio, to be part of an art tour, whether it’s another of our creatives finding a workspace in which to write and create her music outside of her home, whether it’s another of our creatives, our artists saying, “This work that I’m doing right now, it takes focus. And I can’t do it while also just squeezing it between mothering duties and this and that and being distracted. I need to focus. And so, what am I going to do? Am I going to join a writing group? A, I going to check myself into a hotel for a week? But what I’m going to do is give this work the space and focus that it deserves.”

So, for you, what is the actual concrete physical action? This might be redundant with number one. If so, it’s just an extra kick in the pants; lovingly so. Sometimes, I open the door for my clients. Sometimes, I do give them a little bit of a – I show them the way to the door. I’m like, “alright already, you know it’s there and it’s open. Let’s go. It’s go-time.”

And that’s the message I guess I will end with here. It’s go-time. There is this rising tide. There is something big afoot. How are you going to ride it? One of the ways to ride it is to make room for it. Make room for it to flow into your life. Look for the places you’re resisting it by not creating space, by continuing to fly into the window, to do things the old way where you’re not allowing yourself to get quiet, to let go for a little bit, to let new opportunities, new ways of thinking, even quantum ways come in.

So, create some beautiful space. Because there is some beautiful, epic creativity that wants to happen through you. It is choosing you.

Thank you for listening to another episode of The Art School Podcast.

So, just last week, I got a cool text. It was on my family group text thread, where my brother, Andy, who is researching starting a podcast for one of his consulting clients said, “Hey, Leah, I just did some research on your podcast and did you know that it’s in the top 2% of the world?” And I did not know that.

But I got that text while I was in conference at Phoenix. It was waiting for me when I came out and my phone was blowing up with nice messages from my family members, celebrating that and emoji-ing and woo-hoo-ing for me.

So, thank you to all of you for that reason to celebrate. It was so awesome. And to see my family celebrating and to make that link between these people that I know intimately in my life are celebrating because of all of you, who I feel like I get to talk to so intimately, purposefully, about what really matters every week, it kind of was hard to wrap my brain around. But on some level, I got it. And I’m letting the whole experience sink in.

So, thank you. You’ve heard me talk about my audacious goal of a million downloads. Thank you for all of your help in continuing to help me rise to that point. And I also wanted to period and pause to celebrate the 2% and the way I got to find out about that. So, thank you all so much.

And for those of you who are new to me and are like, “What is this Art School all about? Do you teach people to paint?” No, I do not. But I teach you how to create anything that you want.

So, if you want to paint, you’re going to paint. And not just paint, but it’s going to be a fulfilling, exhilarating process. I had a lot of opportunities to describe the Art School and talk about it in so many different ways with complete strangers recently when I was in Phoenix for that conference.

And here are some of the clips from that conversation. This is the room that you want to be in, the container you want to be in to be who you’re meant to be, to learn to create what you are meant to create, what you actually really want to create. And not just all of those intermediary hoops and steps that you think you have to achieve before you allow yourself to be the creative genius and own that and create from that.

We’re nurturing and normalizing creative genius. The Art School is a place of elevated experiences, elevated conversation, elevated community, a place where people rise to their potential, lift others up along with them in the process. We talk about how a rising tide lifts all ships. And, oh my god, is that ever the truth.

And everyone is creating lives and living lives that they truly love. They’re doing work that’s meaningful and profound. And they are also from this place of having cultivated a way of being, a way of living holistically, mind, body, and spirit that is truly extraordinary because it’s truly them.

If you want to learn more about working with me, whether that is privately, through the Art School, or through a mastermind, you can email us,, or check out my website, Be sure to sign up for my newsletters because that is the best way to not only stay in the loop, but really with everything I send out, I want to send out – even if it’s a short quote or a meaningful nugget of something I’m thinking about, I want to offer the potential for a transformation in everything that I’m creating and sharing.

Years and years ago, back when I just had, I don’t know, my first email account in college and it was a very clunky thing, and I loved to write letters. I love to receive letters, but man, did I love to write letters. And we had like a little leadership training for a class or a group that I was a part of.

And the leader had asked us, “What would you do if you could do anything in life?” And I was like, “I’d write letters.” And then I was like, oh gosh, who would I be then? Like an epistolary? And then I’m kind of now, like, that’s kind of what I do. I get to write letters. And although it’s not the kind with a stamp on it, for the most part, I do love sending out these missives from my muse to yours. So, if you’d like to get those, hop on over to my website.

So, to close, you know I love to leave you with a couple of things to take on your way and think about in the coming week. So, two things this week. This line from that Joseph Campbell quote, “Out of space came a coagulation that became a nebula. And out of that nebula, millions of galaxies. And within one constellation of galaxies, a sun with our little planet circling around it.”

So, what might be born from space for you? The second thing I wanted to offer, as you go out for your long think-walks, or you have time to yourself, meditative time to yourself to just mind play, roll ideas around, or talk with a likeminded friend, ally who can hold a space for big thinking and big vision. Think about that story that I shared about the bird. And think about where that might speak to you and where that small bird might have a message for you the way it had a big message for me.

Have a beautiful week, everyone. That blue sky, that Wild Blue Yonder you can sense, it’s real. Get quiet. Get still. Create space, and you will find your way. I’ll talk to you next time.

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