“My quarter of a million goal first year and $500,000 by year three are not only a reality, but the time frame may actually be quite shorter…”
by Leah | Mar 29, 2019 | Uncategorized

A recent update from a client…
“My quarter of a million goal first year and $500,000 by year three are not only a reality, but the time frame may actually be quite shorter to accomplish these goals. My massive goal is to make $1 million in a year. I definitely think it’s possible.
I am impacting the BIG issue the United States of America has with our rising healthcare costs that no one has a solution for that has REAL savings. My company has figured out a brilliant solution that is changing that. So glad I am a part of it!!!…
You are amazing. You are changing lives. I know you know that, but you truly are.”
-Carrie, a client and alum of The Art School
We have an inside joke at The Art School that goes along the lines of, “There’s nothing big going on here – we’re just changing lives!” Everyone laughs but it’s only funny because it’s true – everyone there understands that one of the greatest fuels for their biggest vision and becoming the greatest version of themselves, is their ability to tap into the creative power within them, and that this kind of creative empowerment is transformational. It changes their life and the lives of so many more, for the better.
I love the update this client recently emailed to report (and I’m sharing with her permission!), because she is an amazing example of what happens when you do the work we do in The Art School. In short, it is the work of taking back our innate creative power and thus the ability to create the lives and world we dream is possible. When she started, she was in the place that so many of us have found ourselves – ambitious, already successful, and with a next big dream and version of ourselves we want to grow into – but feeling limited by circumstances outside of our control.
Her particular situation was that she was in a corporate position (The Art School is for high performing, creative powerhouses in all walks of life and work!) in which she’d been very successful and had a great income, but in her heart she knew she could do much more. In her heart, she wanted to feel that her potential for growth, leadership, contribution, and income was “uncapped” – but she couldn’t see how she could ever get there in a corporate job where it seemed that other people’s decisions controlled her destiny.
Some of the most powerful work we did for her was challenging the story she had that her potential for upward mobility, growth and income was limited by virtue of her circumstances, which specifically were being in corporate and having managers and bosses that weren’t supportive of her growth. Before she did any of the massive action that led to the results below, she did this inner work and once she really got it, once it really clicked for her that no one other than herself could ever, ever limit her potential, she truly took the “cap” off her mind, that “mind cap” or “mind ceiling” was the only thing that had been holding her back. Then she exploded into massive action like a woman on fire and created the awesome results that you can read about more below!
I have to say I hit the job jackpot!!! I knew I needed a change. The way you lead us through The Art School journey is how I was able to do it. The coaching and exercises you had us do we’re so valuable. Digging deep into what skills I have that I am really good at. What I really want. Dreaming about big goals. All of it. You gave me the tools to effectively evaluate and prioritize. During my search for a job that aligned with my goals and skills, I turned down two job offers from amazing companies. That should be really scary as typically fear would have crept in. These jobs I am pretty sure I would have taken had I not had coaching. But I knew my heart had a sacred dream that what I really wanted would present itself.
This process had its share of self doubt questioning what that was going to be. I know I told you it came down to two jobs that I really wanted. On the same day, I had an interview with the CEO of one job, while the other company called just before I walked into my meeting with the CEO to tell me they weren’t going to be hiring me after they had told me they weren’t interviewing any other candidates and that I was their top choice. You might think this would have devastated me or hurt my self confidence. When I got that call, it didn’t effect me. It was God telling me, you have followed your heart, and I am closing this door so you can move forward without a single doubt.
I walked into that interview only one minute later and found my new dream job. My new boss is phenomenal. He is so thankful and appreciative that I am there. My new CEO told me last week that without a doubt I am going to make him a shit-ton of money. And it is true. I believe I will with my whole heart. When you hear people say they feel like they have purpose, that they love what they do, that when they work, it doesn’t feel like work, and that when they wake up they are excited to work as they feel like they were called or made to do this. I 100% feel this way now. It is the best feeling ever!!! I had only partially felt like this before. My last job did not make me feel like this at all. I would say that when you had us make a list of what we want, I got about 90% of it. In just 2 1/2 weeks into my new job I am rocking it out! I already have several deals in the pipeline. Assuming I win just three of them, I willl make $75,000 over the first 12 months. That doesn’t include my base salary and all the other deals I am going to win! My quarter of a million goal first year and $500,000 by year three are not only a reality, but the timeframe may actually be quite shorter to accomplish these goals. My massive goal is to make $1 million in a year. I definitely think it’s possible.
I am impacting the BIG issue the United States of America has with our rising healthcare costs that no one has a solution for that has REAL savings. My company has figured out a brilliant solution that is changing that. So glad I am a part of it!!!
Just had to share!
You are amazing. You are changing lives. I know you know that, but you truly are.
All my best,
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