This is deeply gratifying work. And receiving letters from clients like this? Amazing.
I’m grateful to this client for sharing her experience and I always keep my client’s information 100% confidential. In the case of this client, she prefers to remain anonymous publicly but if someone is serious about working with me, she has generously offered to have a conversation with them at that point, if that would be helpful.
In just a few life coaching sessions with Leah, I experienced more calm, more self discovery, and more freedom from the habits and thought patterns that were in my way than I ever got out of four years of weekly sessions with a therapist.
What is the difference? For one thing, Leah listens with care, attention, and always surprising to me: love. I felt from the first session with her was that she was truly interested in me, and without even yet knowing me, she somehow only wanted the best for me. And as I started to share the struggles I was feeling, her ideas started flowing.
Leah has a gift for browsing her own rich inner library, and lift off the shelf the very volume, page and verse that resonates for me at that very moment. She seems to have the world’s history of humans thoughts about understanding themselves at her fingertips, past and present, and at at the moments I felt the most alone, the most unique in my own suffering, she would offer up just the thing I need to hear to know that countless others have experienced the same things, and that there are alternative ways to experience all of it.
And even better than offering pat solutions, Leah helps me build a practice for exploring my own thoughts and feelings, so that the answers seemed to come to me through a process, not through prescription.
I came to Leah feeling stuck both personally and professionally. I had reached levels of what looked like success to others, but I felt unhappy almost all the time, and I could not understand why. I had reached my personal goals and professional goals, but I felt no satisfaction. I was living my dream life, one I have worked very hard for very long to achieve: The life of a full time artist.
Meanwhile, the successful small business I had started with my husband had a great reputation and had started out strong, but was hitting a plateau, and I felt like I had exhausted myself trying to break through an invisible ceiling that seemed to be blocking its growth.
Through working with Leah, and being willing to trust her, I started taking what I can only describe as deep swims. No more than I wanted to; I never felt dragged into to re-hashing every moment of my childhood, or made to trudge through unpleasant memories I was not ready to face; Instead I felt like I was on an exciting exploration. I felt like I was getting to discover, or rather re-discover, forgotten inner layers of myself.
What was a complete shock to me was how quickly all this inner exploration started manifesting as positive, visible change in my life. Within weeks I felt barriers and fears start to soften, and new ideas start to flow. I suddenly discovered new ideas for my business I had never considered before, and to my amazement, my business began to grow in ways I never would have expected. Before my first three months of work with Leah was over, I had my largest single month of income, ever…. And then the next month, and the next month…. It’s now been 6 months of continual growth and increased income since I started working with Leah, and the future outlook of my business has never been more positive.
At the same time, I am finding wellsprings of creative energy. I am feeling more grounded, and more able to enjoy things I used to enjoy. Instead of winding down each evening with wine and mindless TV like I have done for years, I find myself drinking less and reading more, searching for documentaries on subjects I want to know more about. Life is simply feeling less exhausting and much more interesting. I don’t want to miss any of it.
Through it all, Leah has been a steady, gentle force in my life. She has a way of lightly suggesting creative ideas that spark my imagination, without making me feel judged. She manages to completely sidestep the model of “doing work” to “improve” myself. I know that model, and I’ve taken it as far as I can, to a dead end. Leah presents a new path, one where self exploration, identifying dreams, and taking the steps to making them happen, feel like a fun, interesting adventure, full of joy, rest, nourishment, and inspiration.
Leah has a truly unique gift: Making you feel seen, understood, and capable of anything.
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