If you’re reading this and have, like me, been utterly shellshocked and devastated by the news of immigrant children being separated from their parents, and have been lying awake, sleepless night after sleepless night, wondering when morning will come and wake us from this nightmare…

Here is a place to begin to organize your fractured self again.  Today I posted this photo of my painting SHE RISING along with writing from Marianne Williamson in response to this human crisis on my Instagram and wanted to share it here as well. I painted SHE RISING a few years ago, which was several years after an extraordinary experience that eventually led to this painting and other work I do.  You can read a little more about that story here, but most importantly, I’m hoping the painting together with Marianne’s words are of even a sliver of use to you.  We need you, we all need one another to be fundamentally changed by this, listen for our individual calls, and together rise up for one another.

“There are now stories about children being drugged at the detention centers, to make them more “compliant.” Many of the parents have already been deported and there is no way to see how they will ever be reunited with their children. The president lies through his teeth, saying that this has been going on for years when in fact the policy of separating children from their parents began with his administration. Then he paints himself as a hero because he stops it. Newscasters themselves seem shellshocked reporting what’s happening, aware that they are chronicling a descent into darkness. And to make it worse, if you can even think that such things could be made worse, there are obviously a lot of Americans who think everything that’s been going on is just fine. Where do we go with the upset? What do we do with the emotions that are roiling inside us? The answer is, we feel them. We do not seek to escape the upset. We stay with what’s happening and let these emotions move through us. We must be in this moment. And as we do, we will change. These feelings and experiences will alchemize something deep inside us. I can feel it happening within myself. Something gigantic is being born in me, some universal mother, some quintessential American, some ancient priestess who is howling at the wind and knows that the wind will obey. Trust the psychic reconfiguration now occurring in your soul. If you have a sleepless night just thinking about all this, know that millions of others are sleepless too. Despite it all, Americans are a good and decent people. This is not who we are. I believe that, with all my heart. We will harness our goodness and activate our goodness and make political our goodness. This is not the end. We are in the middle of a huge and historic drama. But we will rise to the occasion, and our goodness will prevail.” – Marianne Williamson (Instagram Post, June 21, 2018)

If you’re reading this and have ideas on how you’d like to organize and help, I’d love to join in your effort, strengthen this movement, and help you be your most powerful self with a free coaching session.  This is not a sales effort, you’ll just have to trust me on that. But if you write to me with “SHE RISING” in the subject line at leah[at]leahcb[dot]com and let me know what you believe you’re called to do, I’ll do my best to accommodate as many requests that I think I can be of service to.  This is just one whisper I have had lately of what it looks like for me answering my own call to embody SHE RISING.  Maybe one day soon you and I will meet at the intersection of what we are being asked to do and who we are being asked become.

Until then…

All my love and blessings on your rising,
